The Power of SEM

Strottner Designs

search engine marketing

What is SEM?

Search Engine Marketing, or SEM, is the technique for acquiring traffic, leads and new business from both unpaid and paid online efforts. It’s comprised of two parts:

SEO: Acquiring traffic through unpaid (organic) means. It requires a website that is optimized for search, which includes having all the right keywords, tags and metadata in place. All of your online listings should also be up-to-date and correct so that people searching for a business like yours will find you!

PPC: The other aspect of SEM is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. This is where you pay to have your results show up in searches. PPC has many benefits:

  • You reach people right when they’re searching for a business like yours
  • It’s highly targeted
  • The return on investment (ROI) is highly trackable
  • Results are immediate
  • You have complete control of the budget

How Do SEO and PPC Work Together?

You’ll Get Seen Faster and More Often

When you combine SEO and PPC, you double your chances of being seen on search engine results pages (SERPs). Showing up in both paid and organic searches is a great way to dominate the market.

You’ll Acquire Valuable Data Quickly

Top-performing PPC ads can inform your organic SEO strategy. Ad copy and keywords that get the best results can, in turn, be converted to blog posts, title tags, meta descriptions and other methods that your boost organic growth. And unlike organic testing, which can take a long time, PPC test results are fast.

PPC Helps Your Prospects Come Back

If someone has shown interest in your company but hasn’t converted (contacted you, made a purchase, etc.), PPC has a handy remarketing feature. You can compile a list of users who clicked on your ad but stopped at the website, and the ads will be shown to them again when they’re searching for the same products or services. The goal is to get them to the “Aha!” moment.

Search Engine Marketing Keeps You at the Top of Your Game

Google algorithms are in a constant state of flux. Keywords that worked yesterday may not be as effective today. Or there may be new ones you haven’t discovered yet. SEM gives you the fresh new data you need to keep track of what’s trending — and how you can use that data to keep riding the wave!

Let Strottner Designs Help

We’re the SEO and PPC experts, and we can put together an SEM strategy that’s custom-tailored for you. Contact us today!