The Google 3-Pack and Your Small Business

Google 3-Pack results for Strottner Designs Logo Design

Back in July 2018, we wrote a blog post about the Google 3-Pack. At that time, mobile search was already important, and a presence in the 3-Pack meant that a small business had a decent chance of strong Local SEO results. However, a lot of time has passed since we wrote that post, the world has experienced a global pandemic that continues to shift the way we engage in many business communications, and we decided to update the information in your hands. With that in mind, are you ready to turbocharge your local visibility and attract a flood of new customers, all while reading our mixed metaphors? If so, it’s time to get familiar with ANOTHER powerhouse tool in your digital marketing toolkit: the Google 3-Pack. Or, if this isn’t an introduction, let it serve as a refresher course and update!

What is the Google 3-Pack?

Imagine this, a potential customer searches for “dermatologist in Boerne” on Google. What do they see first? A map with three dermatology practices, complete with their names, ratings, and a snippet of their addresses. That’s the Google 3-Pack – the holy grail of local search results.

an example of the Google 3-Pack

In news that will surprise no one, one of these results, DeSilva Dermatology, is a Strottner Client

The 3-Pack displays the top three local business listings relevant to a user’s search query, often appearing right below the ads and before the organic search results (discussed here). Being featured here means prime real estate for your business.

Why Should You Care About the Google 3-Pack?

  1. Increased Visibility
    • The 3-Pack is the first thing users see when they search for local businesses. Being in this prime spot means your business gets more eyeballs, leading to higher chances of attracting customers and an increased Click-Through Rate (CTR).
    • 44% of individuals click on 3-Pack results.
  2. Enhanced Credibility
    • When users see your business listed among the top three, it signals to them that you are a trusted and popular choice. This can significantly boost your credibility and make you a go-to option.
    • In fact, Customers are 2.7 times more likely to consider a business reputable if they find a complete GBP on Google Search and Maps.
  3. Mobile Dominance
    • With more searches happening on mobile devices, the Google 3-Pack becomes even more critical. It takes up most of the screen on a mobile device, meaning users are more likely to click on these listings than scrolling further down. In fact, at one time there were 7 listings on the screen, it has been reduced to 3 because that fits best on a mobile device. Call it a move from a Snack to a 3-Pack.
    • 58.67% of all website traffic worldwide comes from mobile phones. In 2011, this number was around 6%. In fact, 92.3% of internet users will use a mobile device to access the internet.
  4. Direct Actions
    • The 3-Pack allows users to take direct actions like calling your business, visiting your website, or getting directions. This convenience increases the likelihood of converting searches into actual visits or inquiries.
    • 46% of searches on Google have a local intent, and the 3-Pack shows up in 93% of these searches.

How to Get Your Business into the Google 3-Pack

winnie the pooh and piglet

“Or contact Strottner Designs,” said Christopher Robin from somewhere outside the Meme…

Now that you’re hopefully convinced of its importance, let’s dive into how you can get your business to shine in the 3-Pack.

  1. Sign up for either Enterprise or Lone Star SEO packages with Strottner Designs.
    • You can contact us using the “Contact” tab at the top right of this page.
    • If this is not an option for you, proceed to #2.
  2. Optimize Your Google Business Profile (GBP) – if you aren’t sure whether or not you have claimed or started your GBP, follow the instructions found HERE.
    • Accurate Information: Ensure your business name, address, phone number, and website are correct.
    • Categories: Choose the most relevant categories for your business.
    • Photos: Upload high-quality photos of your business, products, and services.
    • Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and respond to them.
  3. Local SEO
    • Keywords: Use relevant local keywords in your website content and meta descriptions.
    • Backlinks: Gain backlinks from local websites, directories, and partners.
    • NAP Consistency: Ensure your Name, Address, and Phone number are consistent across all online platforms.
  4. Engage with Your Community
    • Be active on social media and engage with your local community. Participate in local events and online discussions to boost your local presence.
  5. Regular Updates
    • Keep your GBP listing updated with the latest information, offers, and posts. Google favors active and up-to-date listings.


The Google 3-Pack isn’t just a fancy digital marketing term – it’s a vital tool that can transform your small business. By enhancing your local visibility, credibility, and engagement, you can attract more customers and grow your business effectively. So, roll up your sleeves, optimize your online presence, and aim for that coveted spot in the Google 3-Pack. Your next customer might just be a search away!

Of course, if all of this seems like a lot, and put together with the other tools we’ve shared, the toolbox might be getting heavy, we’re here to help! Contact us right away at, and remember to audit your site a no charge on the Strottner Designs Homepage.